The Rise of Anti-Americanism . . . in the GOP
donald trump / Republican Party / Trump Administration

The Rise of Anti-Americanism . . . in the GOP

Republicans are often the first to brandish a flag or claim the mantle of patriotism or to question others’ patriotism over something as trivial as wearing a flag lapel pin. When it comes to the substance of American values, however, recent survey results, demonstrate that Republican views increasingly are hostile to bedrock American values. Nothing … Continue reading

Gov Walker and the GOP’s Carthage Moment
2012 Election / Budget Cuts / Class War / Crony Capitalism / GOP Power Grab / Teabaggers / Unions

Gov Walker and the GOP’s Carthage Moment

As Republicans revel in their victory in Wisconsin in stripping state workers’ collective bargaining rights and other Republican governors seek to duplicate Wisconsin’s power grab, what they perceive as the culmination of the “Reagan Revolution”, may instead be its twilight. It is an ironic moment since the radical right, which often casts itself as the only thing preventing the United States from repeating the fall of ancient Rome, has repeated one of Rome’s bigger strategic blunders and helped reunite the New Deal Coalition whose fracture was the sine qua non of the Reagan Revolution. Continue reading

2010 Elections / Barack Obama / Bush Tax Cuts / Congressional Republicans / George W. Bush Legacy / Stimulus Package / Supply-Side Economics / Tax Cut Dogma

Surgeon General’s Warning: Voting GOP May Be Hazardous to Your Health

Since this election clearly impacts the well being of all Americans, Surgeon General Benjamin can issue warnings to be placed in voting booths across the country. Given that time is short and this is somewhat of a “unique” interpretation of the Surgeon General’s role, I have taken the liberty to list a few warnings that Dr. Benjamin might want to consider.
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